November 3, 2020
Cyber Security

State-backed phishing targets govt employees with fast food lures

Google’s Threat Analysis Group (TAG) has discovered over a dozen government-backed groups taking advantage of the COVID-19 pandemic for phishing and malware attempts targeting US government workers.  One particular scam that TAG has highlighted is the promise of free or heavily discounted fast food being used to steal Google credentials with fake online ordering and delivery sites. Google says that they’ve blocked all the domains used in these scams, and these scams never made it to any inbox as Gmail filtered them all to the spam folder. Nonetheless, government agencies and health organizations should be on the look-out for any further phishing and malware attempts due to the increased risk. For more information, feel free to check out the link below.

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Phone with Google Chrome's welcome page settings

Google patches major zero-day vulnerability flaw

June 27, 2023

A zero-day vulnerability has been patched by Google, and should be reaching you shortly.

Cyber Security
Phone laying on black red surface showing Google Chrome logo on screen

Google and iFixit partnership officially live

June 27, 2023

An announcement that was made a few months ago joining iFixit and Google together to sell OEM parts on iFixit's online store is finally live.

Mobile Devices
Man in front of laptop holding his glasses and clutching bridge of nose in frustration

Home office hacks to improve your working from home experience!

June 27, 2023

Working from home has taken the world by storm, and not exactly by choice. Here are a few tips and items that can help improve your work from home experience, as we know that not everyone has the system completely nailed down.
